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Chambered coverslip, Removable chamber Slide

Chambered coverslip, Removable chamber Slide

Imaging chambers with a coverslip bottom (#1.5 ibidi Polymer or #1.5H glass); ideal for live cell imaging and high resolution microscopy on inverted microscopes.

1 Well
2 Well
4 Well
8 Well high
18 Well
Volume per well
3 ml
1.5 ml
700 µl
300 µl
100 µl
Growth area per well
10.6 cm²
5.1 cm²
2.5 cm²
1.0 cm²
0.34 cm²

New feature on µ-Slide 8 Well high | µ-Slide 18 Well

Removable silicone chambers on a glass slide for cell culture and immunofluorescence; suitable for upright and inverted microscopy and long-term storage.

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Chambered coverslip, Removable chamber Slide

Imaging chambers with a coverslip bottom (#1.5 ibidi Polymer or #1.5H glass); ideal for live cell imaging and high resolution microscopy on inverted microscopes.

1 Well
2 Well
4 Well
8 Well high
18 Well
Volume per well
3 ml
1.5 ml
700 µl
300 µl
100 µl
Growth area per well
10.6 cm²
5.1 cm²
2.5 cm²
1.0 cm²
0.34 cm²

New feature on µ-Slide 8 Well high | µ-Slide 18 Well

Removable silicone chambers on a glass slide for cell culture and immunofluorescence; suitable for upright and inverted microscopy and long-term storage.

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